Dungeon Meshi Dolls are now open for early bird preorders!

Shipping and Return Policies


You will be emailed a tracking number, either Royal Mail if I have shipped it personally, in the UK, or a tracking number that can be tracked on Kuaidi 100


Returns are only available in the EU/UK area as that is where I live right now. However, as parcels are shipped internationally from China by my shipping agent, returns are currently not accepted.


Refunds for your pre-orders are accepted up until production is paid for. In the event of delays up to 2-3 months, refunds are given if requested.

A full refund will be given if there is an major embroidery error, such as in the face of the doll. However, for minor embroidery errors, such as a loose tread or minor alignment issues, a refund will not be given.

Missing Items and Replacements

If your item is missing, then it will be replaced for free. If you have been sent the wrong item, you do not have to return it. You will be sent the correct item as soon as possible.

Replacements are given if there is an major error or damage, such as ink smears, tears, or rips. Please email with pictures of said damages, and you will be given a refund.

Dodgy Manufacturer Behavior

Some doll factories are not great, and have huge delays in production. If they have gone no-contact for longer than 2 months, your order will be immediately refunded. (As with the ArleBina and JeanLisa dolls.)